FH-Prof. Philipp Urbauer, PhD MSc
Kompetenzfeldleiter Software Engineering & Architecture
Forschungsschwerpunktverantwortlicher Data-Driven, Smart & Secure Systems
- Doktoratsstudium Electrical and Computer Engineering UTAD, Portugal
- Bachelor & Master Biomedical Engineering an der FH Technikum Wien
- Ingenieur an der HTL Schellinggasse/Ottakring, Fachbereich: Telekommunikation
Beruflicher Werdegang
- Since July 2009: UAS Technikum Wien
- September 2008 – July 2009: Freelancer at UAS Technikum Wien
- July 2005 – July 2009: Medical Technician, Gepa-Med Medizintechnik GmbH
Tätigkeitsbereiche an der FH Technikum Wien & Technikum Wien Academy
- Forschungskoordinator „Data-Driven, Smart & Secure Systems“ (vormals „Secure Services, eHealth & Mobility“)
- Lehrgangsleiter Master-Lehrgang „Software Quality Assurance Management“
- Lehrgangsleiter Kurzstudium Software Testing
- Stv. Studiengangsleitung Bachelor Verkehr und Umwelt
- Projektleitung und F&E im Forschungsschwerpunkt Secure Services, eHealth and Mobility
- Lektor und Trainer für Informatik Themen
- Interoperabilität in der medizinischen Informatik, eHealth (IHE, HL7, IEEE, Continua Health Alliance), IHE Certified Professional (IHE)
- Software Qualitätsstandards, Zertifizierter Software Tester (ISTQB), IHE Connectathon (2013, 2014) und Continua Plugfest (2012)
- Software Entwicklung (OID-Portal Österreich, Terminologieserver für das österreichische Gesundheitswesen)
- Telematikanwendungen in Forschungsbereich Secure Services, eHealth und Mobility
- ELGA/IHE Schulungen an der Technikum Wien Academy
Immersive Spatial Planning in Healthcare: Developing a Pipeline to Automatically Convert Computer Aided DesignData to Virtual Reality
- Fabian Wagner, Miran Jank, Andrea Balz, Mathias Forjan, Philipp Urbauer (2023)
- dHealth 2023, 17th Annual Conference on Health Informatics meets Digital Health, pp. 6
Extended Reality Solutions in Medical Context and Educational Approaches
- Miran Jank, Fabian Wagner, Philipp Urbauer, Andrea Balz, Mathias Forjan (2023)
- Healthcare Transformation with Informatics and Artificial Intelligence / 21th International Conference on Informatics, Management and Technology in Healthcare
Integration of Health and Public Transport Data to Enable Decision Support for Seniors to Reduce Risk of Infection with Communicable Diseases.
- Philipp Urbauer, Mathias Forjan (2020)
- 9th International Conference on Software Development and Technologies for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion DSAI (2020)
Telemonitoring of Blood Glucose - A Prototype Android Application Enhancing the Patient / Health Professional Experience Using Health IT Communication Standards
- Matthias Frohner, Markus Meyer, Klaus Donsa, Philipp Urbauer, Veronika David, Stefan Sauermann (2018)
- DSAI 2018 - 8th International Conference on Software Development and Technologies for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion
Wearable Activity Trackers Supporting Elderly Living Independently: A Standards based Approach for Data Integration to Health Information Systems
- Philipp Urbauer, Matthias Frohner, Veronika David, Stefan Sauermann (2018)
- 8th International Conference on Software Development and Technologies for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion
Biosignals, Standards and FHIR – The Way to Go?
- Stefan Sauermann, Veronika David, Alois Schlögl, Reinhard Egelkraut, Matthias Frohner, Birgit Pohn, Philipp Urbauer, Alexander Mense (2017)
- Stud Health Technol Inform
Evaluation of Standards for Access Control Enabling PHR-S Federation
- Alexander Mense, Philipp Urbauer, Stefan Sauermann (2017)
- Informatics Empowers Healthcare Transformation. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics
Setting up a Virtual Test Environment for User Group Specific Practical Exercises in eHealth eLearning Courses
- Alexander Mense, Mathias Forjan, Juliane Herzog, Philipp Urbauer, Stefan Sauermann (2015)
- Current Developments in Web-Based Learning. Proceedings of the ICWL 2015
Development of a Virtual Lab for Practical eLearning in eHealth
- Juliane Herzog, Mathias Forjan, Stefan Sauermann, Alexander Mense, Philipp Urbauer (2015)
- Proceedings of eHealth 2015 - Health Informatics Meets eHealth
Development of Knowledge Profiles for International eHealth eLearning Courses
- Juliane Herzog, Stefan Sauermann, Alexander Mense, Mathias Forjan, Philipp Urbauer (2015)
- Proceedings of Medical Informatics in Europe (MIE 2015) - Digital Healthcare Empowering Europeans
Certification Programs for eHealth - Status Quo
- Philipp Urbauer, Juliane Herzog, Birgit Pohn, Mathias Forjan, Stefan Sauermann (2014)
- Proceedings of eHealth 2014 - Health Informatics Meets Informatics
Education for eHealth - A Status Analysis
- Juliane Herzog, Birgit Pohn, Mathias Forjan, Stefan Sauermann, Philipp Urbauer (2014)
- Proceedings of eHealth 2014 - Health Informatics Meets Informatics
Development of internationally harmonized education programs and qualification certificates for e-health
- Alexander Mense, Juliane Herzog, Philipp Urbauer, Harald Wahl (2014)
- Proceeedings of Las Vegas International Business & Education Conferences 2014
Development of an Android App in compliance with the Continua Health Alliance Design Guidelines for medical device connectivity in mHealth
- Matthias Frohner, Philipp Urbauer, Mathias Forjan, Birgit Pohn, Ferenc Gerbovics, Stefan Sauermann, Alexander Mense (2012)
- 46th annual conference of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering(BMT 2012)
Federated Identity Management for management and integration of personal health data archives
- Alexander Mense, Matthias Frohner, Christian Kaufmann, Birgit Pohn, Stefan Sauermann, Philipp Urbauer, Harald Wahl (2012)
- PROCEEDINGS of the 10th International Conference on INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN HEALTH, Chrysovaladis Prachalias (ed.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
- Ferenc Gerbovics, Michael Haller, Mark Bittermann, Philipp Urbauer, Matthias Frohner, Birgit Pohn, Stefan Sauermann, Alexander Mense (2011)
- Tagungsband der eHealth und eHealth Benchmarking, Wien
- Ferenc Gerbovics, Matthias Frohner, Philipp Urbauer, Ronald Bruckner, Birgit Pohn, Stefan Sauermann, Alexander Mense (2010)
- Tagungsband der eHealth und eHealth Benchmarking, Wien
Interoperabilität von medizinischen Geräten
- Ferenc Gerbovics, Matthias Frohner, Philipp Urbauer, Birgit Pohn, Ronald Bruckner, Stefan Sauermann, Alexander Mense (2010)
- Tagungsband des 4. Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen, Pinkafeld
Usage of International Standards for Integrating Extramural Monitoring and Personal Health Device Data into Medical Information Infrastructure
- Alexander Mense, Stefan Sauermann, Ferenc Gerbovics, Matthias Frohner, Birgit Pohn, Ronald Bruckner, Philipp Urbauer, Florian Eckkrammer, Harald Wahl (2010)
- Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Medical and Health Informatics / MedInfo, Cape Town (South Africa)
Design and Realisation of a Framework for Device Endcommunication According to the IEEE 11073-20601 Standard
- Matthias Frohner, Philipp Urbauer, Martin Bauer, Ferenc Gerbovics, Alexander Mense, Stefan Sauermann (2009)
- Tagungsband der eHealth und eHealth Benchmarking, Wien
Applying standardized communication on personal health and sports devices
- Matthias Frohner, Philipp Urbauer, Martin Bauer, Johannes Schmidt, Ana Escorihuela Navarro, Christian Siehs (2008)
- Tagungsband der eHealth und eHealth Benchmarking
Linked Care – Neueste Entwicklungen in der durchgehenden Informationsversorgung der mobilen Pflege und Betreuung
- Philipp Urbauer, Doris Zeidler (2023)
New Challenges in Europe: Threats and risks for IT-Systems in healthcare environments
- Philipp Urbauer (2018)
Telemonitoring of Blood Glucose - A Prototype Android Application Enhancing the Patient / Health Professional Experience Using Health IT Communication Standards
- Matthias Frohner, Markus Meyer, Klaus Donsa, Philipp Urbauer, Veronika David, Stefan Sauermann (2018)
Biosignals, Standards and FHIR – The Way to Go?
- Stefan Sauermann, Veronika David, Alois Schlögl, Reinhard Egelkraut, Matthias Frohner, Birgit Pohn, Philipp Urbauer, Alexander Mense (2017)
Data integration and analysis of EHR, PHR and Open Data
- Philipp Urbauer (2016)
New Challenges in Europe - Threats and Risks for IT Systems in Healthcare Environments
- Philipp Urbauer (2016)
Data integration and analysis of EHR, PHR and Open Data
- Philipp Urbauer (2015)
Data integration and analysis of EHR, PHR and Open Data
- Philipp Urbauer (2015)
Simulation environment for testing security and privacy of mobile health apps
- Alexander Mense, Philipp Urbauer, Stefan Sauermann, Harald Wahl (2015)
Setting up a Virtual Test Environment for User Group Specific Practical Exercises in eHealth eLearning Courses
- Alexander Mense, Mathias Forjan, Juliane Herzog, Philipp Urbauer, Stefan Sauermann (2015)
Development of a Virtual Lab for Practical eLearning in eHealth
- Juliane Herzog, Mathias Forjan, Stefan Sauermann, Alexander Mense, Philipp Urbauer (2015)
Development of Knowledge Profiles for International eHealth eLearning Courses
- Juliane Herzog, Stefan Sauermann, Alexander Mense, Mathias Forjan, Philipp Urbauer (2015)
Development of internationally harmonized education programs and qualification certificates for e-health
- Alexander Mense, Juliane Herzog, Philipp Urbauer, Harald Wahl (2014)
Education for eHealth - A Status Analysis
- Juliane Herzog, Birgit Pohn, Mathias Forjan, Stefan Sauermann, Philipp Urbauer (2014)
Ein Erfahrungsbericht über Kommunikationsstandards und deren Umsetzung im Bereich Telemonitoring: Vom Blutdruckmessgerät zur elektronischen Gesundheitsakte
- Philipp Urbauer, Matthias Frohner, Mathias Forjan, Birgit Pohn, Stefan Sauermann, Alexander Mense (2012)
A Closer Look on Standards Based Personal Health Device Communication: A Résumé over Four Years Implementing Telemonitoring Solutions
- Philipp Urbauer, Matthias Frohner, Mathias Forjan, Birgit Pohn, Stefan Sauermann, Alexander Mense (2012)
Development of an Android App in compliance with the Continua Health Alliance Design Guidelines for medical device connectivity in mHealth
- Matthias Frohner, Philipp Urbauer, Mathias Forjan, Birgit Pohn, Ferenc Gerbovics, Stefan Sauermann, Alexander Mense (2012)
Usage of International Standards for Integrating Extramural Monitoring and Personal Health Device Data into Medical Information Infrastructure
- Alexander Mense, Stefan Sauermann, Ferenc Gerbovics, Matthias Frohner, Birgit Pohn, Ronald Bruckner, Philipp Urbauer, Florian Eckkrammer, Harald Wahl (2010)
Implementation of a wrist wearable Health Data Hub-prototype for context based telemonitoring of elderly people using standardized data transfer methods
- Ferenc Gerbovics, Michael Haller, Lukas Traxler, Philipp Urbauer, Matthias Frohner, Stefan Sauermann, Alexander Mense (2010)
Applying standardized communication on personal health and sports devices
- Matthias Frohner, Philipp Urbauer, Johannes Schmidt, Ana Escorihuela Navarro (2008)
The Social Platform: Profiling FHIR to Support Community-Dwelling Older Adults
- Philipp Urbauer (2019)
- Journal of Medical Systems
Propose of Standards based IT Architecture to enrich the Value of Allergy Data by Telemonitoring Data
- Philipp Urbauer, Maximilian Kmenta, Matthias Frohner, Alexander Mense, Stefan Sauermann (2017)
- Stud Health Technol Inform
Bluetooth Low Energy Peripheral Android Health App for Educational and Interoperability Testing
- Matthias Frohner, Philipp Urbauer, Stefan Sauermann (2017)
- Stud Health Technol Inform
Simulation environment for testing security and privacy of mobile health apps
- Alexander Mense, Philipp Urbauer, Stefan Sauermann, Harald Wahl (2015)
- Proceedings of the Modeling and Simulation in Medicine Symposium (MSM) 2016
Applicability of IHE/Continua components for PHR systems: Learning from experiences
- Philipp Urbauer, Stefan Sauermann, Matthias Frohner, Mathias Forjan, Birgit Pohn, Alexander Mense (2013)
- Computers in biology and medicine
A Closer Look on Standards Based Personal Health Device Communication: A Résumé over Four Years Implementing Telemonitoring Solutions
- Philipp Urbauer, Matthias Frohner, Mathias Forjan, Birgit Pohn, Stefan Sauermann, Alexander Mense (2012)
- European Journal for Biomedical Informatics
Conceptualization and Evaluation of Interoperable and Modular IT-Framework Components for Exchanging Big Data Information Sets
- Philipp Urbauer (2018)