International Week
- 23 May, 2023 - 25 May, 2023
In just over a month, the 7th International Week will start at the UAS Technikum Wien under the title Change our Tomorrow – Pathways to a sustainable future. In 2015, all member states of the United Nations committed to the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, the core of which are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Agenda is a clear action plan for countries and thus also for higher education institutions. In this shared journey, higher education institutions have recognized the need to balance education and social responsibility. But how can the SDGs be implemented in the tertiary education sector? And how can higher education institutions specifically anchored in the technical sector contribute to the achievement of specific SDGs? Let’s discuss this together!
As usual, we cordially invite you to attend the presentations. Please note Tuesday will take place this year at TechBase Auditorium, Giefinggasse 2, all other days in the large ballroom.
Tuesday 23.5. 2023 12:30- 17:00 (TechBase Auditorium, Giefinggasse 2) | Welcome Words and Keynotes
- 13:00-14:00 | Keynote 1 Stefanie Roithmayr and Klaus Kodydek (City of Vienna): Circular Economy as an enabler in implementing SDGs – Vienna’s way towards a Circular City
- 14:15-15:15 | Keynote 2 Thorsten Jonas (SUX): Sustainable UX – the Responsibility of User Experience Design for the Future
- 15:30-17:00 | Momir Tabakovic Lab@Home: Renewable Energy Experience (RE-Open Multiplier Event, incl. Lab tour)
Wednesday 24.5. 9:30- 12:00 (Room F0.01) | Session 1 Health and Well-being/ Reduce inequalities
- Andrea Balz: Barrier-free Teaching and Learning strategies | Fachhochschule Technikum Wien
- Paulo Dantas, Leonardo Silva: Low-cost assistive technologies in the inclusion of people, in a situation of social vulnerability, with low body mobility and accessibility in Brazil | Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
- Martin Deinhofer: Inclusion International – Fostering e-Inclusion by internationalization of academic education | UAS Technikum Wien
- Martina Ortbauer: “Clean water, the most basic human need for health and well-being” from an ecotoxicological viewpoint | UAS Technikum Wien
- Mikael Backström/ Andrey Koptyug: Ongoing research and master by research education at Sports Tech Research Center | Mid Sweden University
Thursday 25.5. 09:30- 12:00 (Raum F0.01) | Session 2 Responsible consumption and production/ Industry, innovation and infrastructure
- Volker Ahlers: 5G-Based Digital Twin of Public Spaces | Hochschule Hannover
- Petri Hannula: Robotics, AI and Game development in Lapland UAS | Lapland University of Applied Sciences
- Festim Halili: Green Economy Goals and Implementation of new proposed solutions drifted by SDG | University of Tetova
- Petra Morawa-Zechner: Green UX https://www.greenux.at/ | Die Gestaltung (Unternehmen)
- Lars-Erik Rännar: Additive Manufacturing Master | Mid Sweden University
- Oyuntsatsral Tseyenbaljir: GHG emission inventory in the construction sector of Mongolia | Mongolian University of Science and Technology
Thursday 25.5. 13:00- 14:30 (Raum F0.01) | Session 3 Quality Education/ Partnerships for the goals
- David Foster: Promoting Sustainability at Kettering University | Kettering University
- Petra Müller-Csernetzky: Transformation by Communication | Hochschule Luzern
- Paul Talbot: Innovating for Global Impact: The Role of Communication, Participation and Collaboration | Fachhochschule Technikum Wien
- Susanne Schidler: Skills and competences to support sustainable development – educational needs along all education sectors | Fachhochschule Technikum Wien
All colleagues are cordially invited to attend.
Program subject to change.