Change our tomorrow: pathways to a sustainable future together

09 June, 2023

In 2023, the International Week of the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien was dedicated to sustainability with the motto Change our tomorrow: Pathways to a sustainable future.

This year’s keynote speakers Stefanie Roithmayr from the City of Vienna and Thorsten Jonas of the Sustainable UX Network gave insights into the Circular Economy of the City of Vienna regarding building materials as well as on the topic of sustainable user experience. In addition, Momir Tabakovic, head of competence fields Renewable Energy Technologies and Climate Fit Building Technologies presented the RE-Open project and guided the guests through the Renewable Energy Labs at ENERGYbase. For the second and third day, additional presentations of the guests as well as of the colleagues in-house were on the agenda. Keywords like inclusion, innovation and infrastructure, as well as communication and collaboration were in focus. For three days, around 55 international guests, together with colleagues from the House, devoted themselves to the different perspectives on the topics of sustainability and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This year’s excursion took the participants to Energy Research Park Lichtenegg, which has also been operated by the UAS Technikum Wien since 2014. After a guided tour of the wind turbines at ground level, the participants also had the opportunity to tackle the 300 steps to the viewing platform. Once at the top, the participants were rewarded with a wonderful view of the rotor blades of the wind turbine itself as well as the landscape of Bucklige Welt. The International Week 2023, which was organized as an eco-event, ended with a Closing Dinner at Badeschiff in Vienna. The FH Technikum Wien is looking forward to the next International Week 2024!