Excellent Quality Management at UAS Technikum Wien Honored by AQ Austria

29 July, 2024
The Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria has examined the internal quality management system of UAS Technikum Wien as part of an audit in accordance with the University Quality Assurance Act and certified it until July 2, 2031.
The outstanding quality of UAS Technikum Wien’s internal quality management system was recently confirmed by AQ Austria. The certification confirms that UAS Technikum Wien has implemented an effective and transparent QM system. This system ensures that the university fulfills and continuously improves its educational and research tasks at the highest level. The participatory understanding of quality, which is practiced by all members of the university, was particularly emphasized.
The audit was carried out by a group of experts consisting of renowned specialists from various universities and companies. The on-site visit by the experts took place on February 22 and 23, 2024, during which more than 60 employees and students of UAS Technikum Wien answered questions.
All five standards assessed as fulfilled by experts
UAS Technikum Wien is delighted with the positive assessment and the resulting certification. “It is particularly pleasing that all five standards were judged to be fulfilled by the experts and that the certification of our QM system is recommended without conditions,” said Barbara Czak-Pobeheim, Managing Director, Florian Eckkrammer, Managing Director and Sylvia Geyer, Rector, of UAS Technikum Wien.
Valuable recommendations for further development
“We are happy to take up the valuable recommendations of the experts for the further development of our QM system and will integrate them into the measures for the further development of the QM system as part of the continuous improvement process. We would like to thank the experts and the AQ Austria office for the efficient and professional implementation of the audit procedure as well as the pleasant, appreciative and constructive atmosphere during the on-site visit,” said Czak-Pobeheim, Eckkrammer and Geyer in their joint statement.
The five AQ Austria standards for assessing the QM system cover a wide range of topics, from the understanding of quality, the structures, responsibilities and competencies of the QM system, the assurance and development of quality in the core tasks of teaching & learning, applied research & development and human resources to the cross-sectional areas of internationalization and social objectives.
Five standards of AQ Austria
Certification is based on the fulfillment of five AQ Austria quality standards:
- understanding of quality: UAS Technikum Wien has a clear understanding of quality that is implemented throughout the university.
- structures and processes: A transparent process management system supports continuous quality development.
- teaching and studies: The university implements strategic goals and measures for the continuous improvement of teaching.
- research and development: Strategic goals and measures ensure and develop quality in applied research and development.
- personnel management: Qualified personnel and well-documented processes ensure long-term quality development.
Commitment and further development
The report positively emphasizes the extraordinary commitment of the employees and their willingness for continuous further development. These qualities are crucial for the sustainable success of the university. The university has committed itself to implementing the recommendations of the experts to further improve the QM system.
With the certification until 2031, UAS Technikum Wien has reached an important milestone. With this recognition, the university is sending a strong signal for quality and commitment in the Austrian higher education landscape.
Further links:
Statement of the UAS Technikum Wien on the Audit 2024 report (in German)
Results report – Audit at the UAS Technikum Wien – AQ Austria (in German)
Department Quality Assurance & Institutional Research (QR) – UAS Technikum Wien (in German)