Virtual Commissioning and Simulation: Experts Present Their Experiences

26 January, 2024

A Start me up Monday provided insights into the world of virtual commissioning and simulation. Experts showed how this technology can not only increase efficiency, but also improve safety and training in various industries.

The rapid development of Industry 4.0 has not only revolutionized the way we manufacture products, but also how we teach and practice engineering. The last Start me up Monday at UAS Technikum Wien focused on modern technologies and digital solutions from start-ups and corporates that are further developing the commissioning of plants and systems. On this evening, experts shared their knowledge and experience to provide a comprehensive understanding of this emerging technology. The event was moderated by Rafael Rasinger (UAS Technikum Wien, Innovation, Scaleups & Networks).

Erich Markl, Head of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, highlighted the importance of virtual reality and artificial intelligence and emphasized the consistent digitalization of value chains. After eight years of intensive work on this topic at UAS Technikum, he presented the level of maturity and outlined how industry is increasingly integrating virtual commissioning into its work processes.

Horst Orsolits, Competence Field Manager for Virtual Technologies & Sensor Systems, explained the importance of virtual product development. From simulations for faster product development to the Industrial Digital Twin, he spoke about technologies that can lead to faster insights and decisions, especially in special machine construction. “Time to market” can be significantly shortened by these technologies.

Variety of Projects for Virtual Commissioning

Lecturer and researcher Robert Fellner then presented his focus on the use of virtual systems in teaching. He emphasized the diversity of virtual commissioning projects and explained how various tools are used in mechatronics, mechanical engineering and technology management. Fellner highlighted the importance of simulating CAD modeling, programming and virtual testing.

Marcus Schneider from Visual Components gave an insight into the practical application of 3D simulations for factory planning. He explained how his company Visual Components offers solutions for sales support, production optimization and coping with international competitive pressures. Schneider illustrated how companies can optimize their processes with 3D simulations from Visual Components, especially at a time when consumer behavior is constantly changing.

On behalf of Siemens, Johannes Rauer-Zechmeister presented the most important factors for the successful use of virtual commissioning. He showed how simulations can minimize risks and keep projects on time and on budget. Rauer-Zechmeister presented various tools, ranging from 3D simulation of the entire system to simulation of the automation logic.

Michael Eberle from Digifai explained the importance of virtual commissioning for the safety of machines in practice. He presented how Digifai develops software to make machines safer and more efficient. Eberle used examples to show how physical simulations and virtual tests help engineers to detect and rectify faults at an early stage.

Experiences of Start-Ups

Emir Selimovic from Dotbite shared his insights as an angel investor and co-founder. He emphasized the importance of the team and sales talent for the success of startups. Selimovic encouraged aspiring founders to turn their ideas into reality and focus on technologies such as artificial intelligence.

The conference also focused on the experiences of start-ups. Sebastian Herz from Selmo, a company from Styria, presented an innovative technology for generating PLC programs. By focusing on the process, Selmo automates programming and thus reduces potential sources of error.

Transition from 2D to New Technologies

Patrick Gröller, Co-Founder & CTO of EXARON, presented approaches on how complex industrial processes can be visualized through 3D layout and extended reality. Exaron focuses on facilitating the transition from 2D to new technologies for industrial partners.

Finally, Martina Metzich from Takeda Manufacturing Austria AG gave an insight into the use of virtual reality training in the pharmaceutical industry. She emphasized the importance of VR training for employees in a realistic environment to minimize errors in the cleanroom.

This Start me up Monday made it impressively clear that virtual commissioning and simulation are not just future technologies, but are already revolutionizing the way we produce, teach and work safely today.

On the cover, above: (from left to right): Robert Fellner, Horst Orsolits, Marcus Schneider, Johannes Rauer-Zechmeister, Sebastian Herz, Martina Metzich, Patrick Gröller, Rafael Rasinger, Michael Eberle, Emir Selimovic and Erich Markl.

Presentations for download: (in German)

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