FH-Prof. Dr.techn. Mohamed Aburaia, MSc
Senior Lecturer/Researcher
Cross-university virtual teamwork as a means of internationalization at home
- Johannes Nikolaus Rauer, Michael Kroiss, Natalia Kryvinska, Corinna Engelhardt-Nowitzki, Mohamed Aburaia (2021)
- The International Journal of Management Education, Volume 19, Issue 3
Flexibility Enhancements in Digital Manufacturing by means of Ontological Data Modeling
- Richard Otrebski, Johannes Rauer, Corinna Engelhardt-Nowitzki, Natalia Kryvinska, Mohamed Aburaia, Dominik Pospisil (2020)
- International Journal of Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks (JUSPN)
Oriented to Multi-Branched Structure Unsupported 3D Printing Method Research
- Qingxi Hu, Di Feng, Haiguang Zhang, Yuan Yao, Mohamed Aburaia, Herfried Lammer (2020)
- Materials, vol. 13, no. 9, p. 2023, Apr. 2020
Research-based teaching in digital manufacturing and robotics - the Digital Factory at the UAS Technikum Wien as an exemplary case
- Corinna Engelhardt-Nowitzki, Mohamed Aburaia, Johannes Rauer (2020)
- CLF2020 TU Graz
Evaluierung von Navigationsmethoden für mobile Roboter
- Wilfried Wöber, Johannes Rauer, Maximilian Papa, Ali Aburaia, Simon Schwaiger, Georg Novotny, Mohamed Aburaia, Wilfried Kubinger (2020)
- e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Research-based teaching in Digital Manufacturing and Robotics – the Digital Factory at the UAS Technikum Wien as a Case Example
- Corinna Engelhardt-Nowitzki, Mohamed Aburaia, Richard Otrebski, Johannes Rauer, Horst Orsolits (2020)
- Procedia Manufacturing, pp. 6
A Production Method for Standardized Continuous Fiber Reinforced FFF Filament
- Mohamed Aburaia, Christoph Bucher, Maximilian Lackner, Joamin Gonzalez-Gutierrez, Haiguang Zhang, Herfried Lammer (2020)
- Biomaterials and Medical Applications
Semi-Automatic Generation of Training Data for Neural Networks for 6D Pose Estimation and Robotic Graspin
- Johannes Rauer, Mohamed Aburaia, Wilfried Wöber (2020)
- Proceedings of Joint Austrian Computer Vision and Robotics Workshop 2020
A Production Method for Standardized Continuous Fiber Reinforced FFF Filament
- Mohamed Aburaia, Maximilian Lackner, Michael Bucher, Joamin Gonzalez-Gutierrez, Haiguang Zhang, Herfried Lammer (2020)
- A Production Method for Standardized Continuous Fiber Reinforced FFF Filament,” vol. 4, no. 1, p. 12, 2020
Research-based teaching in Digital Manufacturing and Robotics – the Digital Factory at the UAS Technikum Wien as a Case Example
- Corinna Engelhardt-Nowitzki, Mohamed Aburaia, Richard Otrebski, Johannes Rauer, Horst Orsolits (2016)
- Procedia Manuf
Digitale Fabrik
- Mohamed Aburaia (2015)
- So funktioniert Wirtschaft. Ein Sachbuch für Jugendliche
Design and control of 4 axis additive manufactured robot using software tools
- Mohamed Aburaia, Kemajl Stuja, Erich Markl (2014)
- Procedia Engineering 100
Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Robot Arm Control
- Simon Schwaiger, Mohamed Aburaia, Ali Aburaia, Wilfried Wöber (2021)
- Proceedings of the 32nd International DAAAM Virtual Symposium `Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation`, 28-29th October 2021, Vienna
Using-Colour-Based Object Detection for Pick and Place Applications
- Moritz Abdank, Mohamed Aburaia, Wilfried Wöber (2021)
- Proceedings of the 32nd International DAAAM Virtual Symposium 'Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation', 28-29th October 2021, Vienna
Autonomous Grasping of Known Objects Using Depth Data and the PCA
- D Steigl, Mohamed Aburaia, Wilfried Wöber (2020)
- Austrian Robotics Workshop 2020
MeshSlicer: A 3D-Printing software for printing 3D-models with a 6-axis industrial robot
- Jan Werner, Mohamed Aburaia, A Raschendorfera, Maximilian Lackner (2020)
- 14th CIRP, Gulf of Naples, Italy, 2020
Semi-Automatic Generation of Training Data for Neural Networks for 6D Pose Estimation and Robotic Grasping
- Johannes Rauer, Mohamed Aburaia, Wilfried Wöber (2020)
- Austrian Robotics Workshop 2020
Parameter Optimization for the 3D Print of Thermo-plastic Pellets with an Industrial Robot
- Mohamed Aburaia, Maximilian Lackner (2020)
- International Symposium for Production Research 2020, Turkey
Accuracy Improvement and Process Flow Adaption for Robot Machining
- Martin Kainrath, Mohamed Aburaia, Maximilian Lackner (2020)
- International Symposium for Production Research 2020, Turkey
Flexibility Enhancements in Digital Manufacturing by means of Ontological Data Modeling
- Richard Otrebski, Dominik Pospisil, Corinna Engelhardt-Nowitzki, Natalia Kryvinska, Mohamed Aburaia (2019)
- The 14th International Conference on Future Networks and Communications (FNC) August 19-21, 2019, Halifax, Canada, pp. 7
Carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics for material extrusion additive manufacturing
- Joamin Gonzalez-Gutierrez, Manuel Treitler, Martin Spoerk, Florian Arbeiter, Stephan Schuschnigg, Herfried Lammer, Maximilian Lackner, Mohamed Aburaia, Günther Poszvek, Haiguang Zhang, Janak Sapkota, Clemes Holzer (2019)
- Conference proceedings of 35th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society, pp. 5
An Autonomous Mobile Handling Robot Using Object Recognition
- Johannes Rauer, Wilfried Wöber, Mohamed Aburaia (2019)
- Proceedings of ARW & OAGM Workshop 2019
Classification of Streetsigns Using Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models
- Wilfried Wöber, Mohamed Aburaia, Cristina Olaverri-Monreal (2019)
- 2019 IEEE International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE), Graz, Austria
Cybersecurity Management for (Industrial) Internet of Things: Challenges and Opportunities
- Maximilian Lackner, Erich Markl, Mohamed Aburaia (2018)
- Journal of Information Technology & Software Engineering Keywords
Konferenz der Mechatronik-Plattform: Autonome mechatronische Systeme
- Wilfried Wöber, Ali Aburaia, Mohamed Aburaia, Wilfried Kubinger, Richard Otrebski, Corinna Engelhardt-Nowitzki, Erich Markl (2018)
- FH CAMPUS 02, 22. November 2018 Digital Manufacturing & Robotics im Department Industrial Engineering
Poster Symposium on ADDitive Manufacturing and Innovative Technologies
- Michael Bucher, Mohamed Aburaia, Erich Markl, Corinna Engelhardt-Nowitzki, Maximilian Lackner, Joamin Gonzalez-Gutierrez, Herfried Lammer (2018)
- Symposium on ADDitive Manufacturing and Innovative Technologies
Digital Manufacturing & Robotics im Department Industrial Engineering
- Wilfried Wöber, Ali Aburaia, Mohamed Aburaia, Wilfried Kubinger, Richard Otrebski, Corinna Engelhardt-Nowitzki, Erich Markl (2018)
- KONFERENZ DER MECHATRONIK PLATTFORM: Autonome mechatronische Systeme
Estimating a Sparse Representation of Gaussian Processes Using Global Optimization and the Bayesian Information Criterion
- Wilfried Wöber, Georg Novotny, Mohamed Aburaia, Richard Otrebski, Wilfried Kubinger (2018)
- Austrian Robotics Workshop 2018
Development of a 3D-Printed Bionic Hand with Muscle- and Force Control
- Florian Dannereder, Corinna Engelhardt-Nowitzki, Erich Markl, Maximilian Lackner, Josef Kreith, Paul Herwig Pachschwöll, Mohamed Aburaia, Diane Shooman (2018)
- Proceedings of the Austrian Robotics Workshop 2018
Digital Manufacturing & Robotics im Department Industrial Engineering
- Wilfried Wöber, Ali Aburaia, Mohamed Aburaia, Wilfried Kubinger, Richard Otrebski, Corinna Engelhardt-Nowitzki, Erich Markl (2018)
- Konferenz der Mechatronik Plattform Autonome mechatronische Systeme, pp. 2
Freeform-FDM process development using natural fibre reinforced biopolymers
- Mohamed Aburaia, Maximilian Lackner, Hannes Grünbichler, Corinna Engelhardt-Nowitzki, Erich Markl, H. Lammer, Haiguang Zhang, J. Wang, J. Sapotka, T. Janics, M. Hailberger (2018)
- 2nd International Conference on 3D Prinitng Technology and Innovation March 19-20, 2018 London, UK
Development of a 3D-printed Bionic Hand with Muscle- and Force Control
- Florian Dannereder, Paul Pachschwöll, Mohamed Aburaia, Erich Markl, Maximilian Lackner, Corinna Engelhardt-Nowitzki, Diane Shooman (2018)
- Austrian Robotics Workshop 2018
Smart Manufacturing in the Digital Factory – a Practical Case Study of an Industrie 4.0 Implementation
- Corinna Engelhardt-Nowitzki, Mohamed Aburaia, Erich Markl (2017)
- EUROCAST 2017, Sixteenth International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory
Design and Optimization of Pumping Aggregate for Hydraulic Active Car Suspension using Software SolidWorks
- Kemajl Stuja, Günther Poszvek, Erich Markl, Mohamed Aburaia (2016)
Lightweight Educational Scara Robot for Palletizing of USB Sticks
- Kemajl Stuja, Brugi Mirlind, Erich Markl, Mohamed Aburaia (2016)
- Proceedings of the 27th International DAAAM Symposium 2016, DAAAM 2017
A Low-cost mini Robot Manipulator for Education purpose
- Mohamed Aburaia (2015)
- Proceedings Austrian Robotics Workshop 2015
Artificial Neural Networks Based Place Categorization
- Andreas Kriegler, Wilfried Wöber, Mohamed Aburaia (2020)
- Digital Conversion on the Way to Industry 4.0
Parameter Optimization for the 3D Print of Thermo-Plastic Pellets with an Industrial Robot
- Stefan Otto Felber, Mohamed Aburaia, Wilfried Wöber, Maximilian Lackner (2020)
- Digital Conversion on the Way to Industry 4.0
Continuous fiber reinforced freeform 3D printing
- Christoph Michael Bucher, Mohamed Aburaia, Erich Markl, Corinna Engelhardt-Nowitzki, Maximilian Lackner, J. Gonzales-Gutierrez, Helmuth Lammer (2018)
Development of a 3D-Printed Bionic Hand with Muscle- and Force Control
- Florian Dannereder, Corinna Engelhardt-Nowitzki, Erich Markl, Maximilian Lackner, Paul Herwig Pachschwöll, Mohamed Aburaia, Diane Shooman (2018)
Digital Manufacturing
- Mohamed Aburaia (2017)
Smart Manufacturing in the Digital Factory – a Practical Case Study of an Industrie 4.0 Implementation
- Corinna Engelhardt-Nowitzki, Mohamed Aburaia, Erich Markl (2015)