Research at the Department Life Science Engineering

‘Bioengineering & Molecular Life Science Technologies’ field of research

Biochemistry is used in the ‘Bioengineering & Molecular Life Science Technologies’ field of research as the fundamental science for molecular- and cell-biological approaches to the development of sustainable solutions for overarching future issues that place humans at the center of the interfaces between medicine, environment, technology and sport.  

Information about the field of research and projects is available on the UASTW’s research pages

‘Data-Driven, Smart and Secure Systems’ field of research

Numerous projects have been carried out in the ‘Data-Driven, Smart and Secure Systems’ field of research at UAS Technikum Wien in cooperation with the Department of Computer Sciences in the fields of health records, mHealth, eHealth and ELGA (electronic health records system in Austria), since 2012.

Information about the field of research and projects is available on the UASTW’s research pages

Department Life Science Engineering at a glance