Staff Mobility

Information for incoming and outgoing lecturers, researchers and adminstrative staff

Incoming Staff Mobility

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Staff Mobility for Training/ Teaching

Are you interested in

  • conducting joint research with colleagues?
  • passing on your specialist knowledge to our students through short-term teaching?
  • looking over the shoulder of our infrastructure staff?
  • gaining insights into the work of our alumni coordinator?
  • finally being able to exchange ideas with your colleagues, whom you only have only known via e-mail until now.

We look forward to welcoming you to the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien!

Please apply via our Online platform Mobility Online either for Staff Mobility for Teaching or Staff Mobility for Training

In our Welcome Guide you will find further information on the procedure and registration of staff mobility at UAS Technikum Wien.

Welcome Guide for Incoming Staff

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International Week

The UAS Technikum Wien has a long tradition of welcoming international guests in Vienna. The annual international week invites colleagues from partner institutions to reflect and exchange topics and work on new project ideas etc. In addition, the event provides a unique opportunity to share innovative ideas and best practices with colleagues from a range of other higher education institutions.

2024: AI Friend or Foe: Unleashing the Creative Power of Generative AI

2023: Change our Tomorrow- Pathways to a Sustainable Future

2022: EDU@HOME – Opportunities and Challenges in International Teaching and Research.

2021: The 21st Century Engineer – On integrating hard and soft skills into curricula (virtual event)

2020: Smart University – Strategies towards innovation and entrepreneurial spirit

2019: Tackling the Digital Challenge

Experience Reports

Ari Pikkarinnen

Sometimes I am amazed by how the staff at UASTW can be so close to my level of thinking; perhaps this is one of the main reasons why it is always so easy to return to Vienna and see all the familiar faces. Returning to Vienna? More like coming home.

Ari Pikkarainen

Staff Exchange from Lapland UAS and honorary professor of UASTW

Outgoing Staff Mobility

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Staff Mobility for Training/Teaching

Are you interested in

  • sharing your expertise?
  • experiencing new teaching environments?
  • acquiring new innovative pedagogical and curriculum design skills and digital skills?
  • connecting with your peers abroad to develop common activities to achieve the program’s objectives?
  • exchanging good practices and enhancing cooperation between higher education institutions?

All employees (permanent and external) from teaching, research and administration have the opportunity to apply for Erasmus+ grants for a period abroad for teaching or training purposes. This not only enables an expansion of the courses offered by the partner institutions, but also the mobility of staff to establish, promote and deepen relationships with foreign institutions. In addition, they contribute to personal development as they strengthen intercultural understanding, flexibility and one’s own willingness to learn and thus represent an interface between personal and professional development. A stay abroad for teaching purposes can take place at any Erasmus+ partner institution of the UAS Technikum Wien. Staff Mobilites for training can take place at all other institutions with an Erasmus+ Charter. In our Goodbye Guide you will find further information on the procedure and registration of staff mobility at UAS Technikum Wien.

Goodbye Guide Staff

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English for Administrators

Due to the increasing numbers of incoming students, a wide range of English language courses and a high number of mobile teaching and administrative staff, the UAS Technikum Wien promotes language training for all employees. During the summer months, administrative staff is invited to complete a 30 hours English course in Dublin in which they can work on their English grammar, pronunciation and presentation skills.

Experience Reports

Staff mobility offers the unique chance to combine professional and personal development with the idea of life-long-learning by building and growing international networks, reflecting on internalized workflows and processes, and enhancing social and communication skills

Sylvia Geyer, Rector

Staff Exchange at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro & at Lapland University of Applied Sciences

carl Hartl

In small groups, we looked at many difficulties based on cultural backgrounds from many angles and discussed them in plenary. Strategies for a professional approach in contact with colleagues and students were trained. It was wonderful to see how Chris adapted the topics to our needs.

Carla Hartl

English Course for Administrators in Dublin

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