Incoming Student Mobility

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Are you deciding to study at the UAS Technikum Wien for one or two semesters as an incoming student? You will enjoy many advantages and opportunities.
Welcome to Vienna!

You will study at the only purely technical university of applied sciences in Austria and attend high-quality courses in small groups with a high practical relevance with lecturers from business and industry.
You will live and study in a multicultural, sophisticated, yet clearly arranged European metropolis, known for its high quality of life.
As an orientation at the UAS Technikum Wien, you will take part in the one-week Orientation Week at the beginning of the semester. There you will not only find important information about studying at the UAS Technikum Wien, but also an introduction to intercultural topics and Austrian culture. In addition to the Orientation Week program, you will also find various leisure activities organized and carried out by the Erasmus Student Network (ESN).
You will study in a multicultural environment, expand your social skills and make international contacts that may be helpful for your future professional life.
Step by Step
Find out about the possibilities of organizing your studies abroad through your home institution. If your home institution is a partner of the UAS Technikum Wien, there is a bilateral agreement (e.g. ERASMUS+) between your home institution and the UAS Technikum Wien. You are exempt from tuition fees and have the option of a grant (e.g. Erasmus+) for your semester abroad.
If your home institution is not a partner of the UAS Technikum Wien, you have the possibility to apply for a semester abroad as a freemover. Freemovers are students who wish to study at the UAS Technikum Wien but whose home institution does not have a bilateral agreement with the UAS Technikum Wien. Please note that in this case the guest student will pay all costs (tuition fees, accommodation, transport, visa, etc.) If you are interested, please contact the Incoming students coordinator directly by e-mail.
In any case, you must have your application for the exchange semester(s) at UAS Technikum Wien approved by your home institution.
Step 1
Select suitable courses for your semester abroad from the English Course Guide or the website of the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien. Please make sure that you meet the requirements for the courses you have chosen and that you have a sufficient command of the respective spoken and written teaching languages (German and English: level B2 according to the Common European Framework).
Step 2
The coordinator of the International Office of your home institution must nominate you by e-mail. Please provide the following information:
- First name, family name
- date of birth
- Duration of exchange studies
- email address
- Course of studies/ field of study
After your nomination, you will receive an e-mail with all the necessary information about the further application procedure.
- For the winter semester: March 15 (students complete application until: May 15)
- For the summer semester: October 15 (students complete application until: November 15)
The English Course Guide for the summer semester is always updated in mid-October.
English Course Guide Summer Semester 2025
The English Course Guide for the winter semester is always updated in mid-March.
English Course Guide Winter Semester 2024/25
Ernst Mach Grant for studying at an Austrian University of Applied Sciences
The Ernst Mach Scholarship bears the name of the eminent Austrian physicist and philosopher Ernst Mach (1838-1916) and is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF). It offers undergraduate and graduate students from institutions outside Europe the opportunity to spend four to ten months studying or researching in Austria.
More information on the application procedure as well as on the application deadline can be found on the OEAD website.
Please note: A confirmation of admission must already be attached to the application. Therefore, please contact the Incoming students coordinator in time.
Academic Calendar

- Winter Term 2023/24: 01.09.2023 – 31.01.2024
- Summer Term 2024: 16.02.2024 – 15.07.2024
- Holidays
- Christmas Holidays: 24.12.2023 – 06.01.2024
- Easter Holidays: 23.03.2024 – 01.04.2024
- Summer Holidays: 16.07.2024

„My stay and my exchange with the UAS made me feel European. We share between us many values and many wishes and we have the same daily life even if we don’t speak the same language. Our histories are linked and thanks Erasmus+ we learn to fraternize in peace. We meet people from all over Europe and we grow from these exchanges.“
Université Catolique de Lille
Outgoing Student Mobility

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International and intercultural competences, experience abroad and foreign language skills are among the key qualifications on the national and international labor market.
Would you like to further your personal and intercultural development with a stay abroad and thus increase your career opportunities?
Erasmus+ Student Mobility for Studies

An Erasmus+ semester abroad is generally possible from the 2nd academic year in the Bachelor’s program and from the 2nd semester in the Master’s program. In each study program there are further recommended semesters which can be spent abroad.
Within the framework of Erasmus+, students from the UAS Technikum Wien benefit from:
- simplified enrolment process
- exemption from tuition fees at the host institution
- Insurance cover via ÖH-Versicherung also abroad
- Erasmus+ grant (only in German)
You can also complete several stays abroad and combine semesters and internships abroad. You are entitled to 12 months of Erasmus+ funding per each study cycle (Bachelor/Master).
Applications are submitted via Mobility-Online.
More detailed information can be obtained in our Moodle Course Technikum International.
Erasmus+ Student Mobility for Traineeships
You can also undertake an Erasmus+ funded traineeship abroad from the 2nd academic year as part of your studies. These traineeships can be completed at companies or higher education or research institutions (except EU- institutions) in countries belonging to the Erasmus+ area. You initially apply independently and after the acceptance, you are able to apply for the Erasmus+ grant.
The grant is independent of the remuneration for the traineeship but depends on the country.
In addition to financial support for the compulsory traineeship, financial support is also provided for voluntary traineeships or graduate traineeships following the Bachelor’s or Master’s degree at the UAS Technikum Wien.
General conditions in order to receive the Erasmus+ grant:
- duration of min. 2 full months
- full time traineeship
- relevant for your studies (signature needed from your study program director)
More detailed information can be obtained in our Moodle Course Technikum International.

Study Visits Worldwide

You can also apply for a student exchange within our bilateral agreements (outside the Erasmus+ area). In this case you will be granted a one-off mobility allowance (amount based on travel allowance of the Austrian Scholarship Office for International Assistance). For traineeships outside the Erasmus+ area the one- off mobility allowance is also granted.
The Marshall Plan Scholarship Program (MPS) supports the scientific exchange between students at Austrian higher education institutions and U.S. universities.
Within the framework of the MPS, Master students of the UAS Technikum Wien have the opportunity to receive funding for a research stay of at least three months at a university or research institution in the USA. Scholarships are awarded up to a maximum of € 9000. The result of the research in the USA is a scientific thesis/master’s thesis.
The application documents can be found on the Marshall Plan Scholarship website.
Student Exchange for Studies at partner institutions in Switzerland can be funded via the Swiss SEMP Program.
Are you interested in the MPS or the SEMP program? Then please contact the International Office.
Erasmus+ Short-term mobilities
Erasmus+ supports physical short- term mobilities of five to 30 days, complemented by a virtual component. The short- term mobilities are usually carried out in the context of a course. A special type of short-term mobility is the so-called Blended Intensive Programme (BIP), which must be carried out together with two other partner institutions. Individual short- term mobilities (summer schools, language courses, …) can also be funded by Erasmus+ or by the International Office under certain circumstances. Students can find detailed information in the Technikum International Moodle Course.

- Student Mobility for Studies:
- for winter semester: 1. March
- for summer semester: 5. October
- Student Mobility for Traineeships:
- for winter semester: 15. June
- for summer semester: 15. November
- Marshall Plan Scholarship: 15. October
More detailed information can be obtained in our Moodle Course Technikum International.

„I’ve made so many personal experiences, good ones and also bad ones. In the beginning, I was struggling a lot by doing 30 ECTS-Credits. So, I had to learn to organize myself better, to prioritize important subjects and to quit subjects with are not necessary for my study program or unnecessarily difficult. On the other side, I’ve made so many friends from different countries all over Europe. I’m now more open-minded to people from other cultures and I’ve learned a lot with them. I improved my English skills and I now have a completely different world view.“
Austauschstudent an der Universitat Politècnica de València & an der Técnico Lisboa

„Going on Erasmus to Vienna has been the best decision of my life. Not only because of the amazing friends I made, who will be forever. But also because of the new person I became. By finding myself in a new culture and in a new city, I improved self-confidence, personal skills, intercultural understanding and I became more mature and open minded. Thank you UAS Technikum Wien for giving me the great opportunity to be part of the Erasmus program and for letting me discover a city like Vienna, to which I will surely return.“
Universidad Carlos II de Madrid